Welcome to Sommarhack 2024!
We'll return in 2024 after a 2023 party that probably was the most successful one we've had so far.

In 2024 we're still at the small river-side house and the mosquitos are just as evil and aggressive as before.

We wouldn't have it any other way.

News updates
July 10, 2024
    Thanks everyone who visited or supported our compos, you rule! We didn't have the best of weather, but it didn't hinder the Atari nerds from having a good time!

    Check out Demozoo to download all releases from the competitions.
May 25, 2024
    A reminder intro for Atari ST was released at the 68k Inside party in Finland.
January 24, 2024 September 30, 2023
    The Sommarhack 2024 webpage is released, welcome! Tickets to the party will be released in early 2024. Exact date to be announced later.

  Preliminary time table (CEST)

Friday July 5
14:00 Sommarhack starts
20:00 Game compo: Downfall (Falcon)
22:00 GGN demoshow (topic to be announced)
23:00 Deadline for remote compo entries

Saturday July 6
12:00 - 14:00 Tipspromenad
16:00 Deadline for all compos
20:30 Competitions!

ST-MED DU2 fullscreen photo compo
Wild compo

--- 10-minute break ---

32k music compo
256-byte intro
Lowres graphics compo

--- 10-minute break ---

Zero bitplane demo
Demo/intro compo
23:30 Crazy Q ACID-concert outdoors while awaiting results

Sunday July 7
01:00 Competition results
14:00 Sommarhack ends

The stream in 2023 went rather OK considering the low quality internet connection. We hope to once again stream the actual competitions and results presentation in 2024.

Twitch URL: https://www.twitch.tv/evldhs